
The Mother of All Blogs

The message in Intrepid Spirit is that the threat represented by the goals of Islam are real. Current events have proven them so. This blog is about those events from about the date of publication in mid-2022 to the date of this posting, 12/11/23.

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Who’s Winning – 3:  The Illegality of Criticizing Islam in Germany

The antagonist in Intrepid Spirit brags about the accomplishment Islamic terrorists have gained in Europe, specifically with respect to laws enacted against criticism of Islam. In the America of the recent past, that would sound like dystopian fiction, but the article by Richard Abelson is just another example of why the villain in Intrepid Spirit is justified in proclaiming “We are winning.”

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Forgetting 9/11

On this 21st anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, an event that motivated the writing of my screenplay, Constitution, the novelization of which is Intrepid Spirit, author and professor Alexander Riley, writing for, laments American’s fading memory of that day.

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Who’s Winning – 2:  Global Jihad Over There and Over Here.

The global geopolitical plot in Intrepid Spirit draws from the endless accounts of Islamic terrorism in America and abroad and the West’s response to them. In an invective based on those responses, the antagonist in Intrepid Spirit proclaims “We are winning.” The article by Andrew Harrod provides just one example of why that proclamation may be true.

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Who’s Winning? – 1:  Reality Becomes Fiction

An article by Pamela Geller for the American Thinker shows the link between 9/11 and the Qur’an. That document and its teachings being the driving force behind the actions of Islamic terrorists, even to the specific directions to “strike them (us) below the neck…”

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